Scouting for writer(s) to participate in the development of our OG-related film/episodic drama production franchise. What is our creative style? Think of a genotype consisting of: Quincy Jones, Tarantino, Watchmen, Shrek, and Tom Robbins (of Jitterbug Perfume fame)…with a tesseract thrown in for good measure.
General Credentials: ability to generate (individually or within a team) memorable dialogue and “out-of-left-field” story lines.
Preferred Credentials: familiarity with (or willingness to R&D) the urban OG lifestyle.
Compensation: Though screen credits and deferred compensation (as a principal creative) are the base, more importantly, we can guarantee that you will be part of a production which will be completed in a professional manner, with financial equity and mutual respect.
If interested, submit a writing piece of no more than two hundred (200) words to our website form ( Keep in mind there will be a Submission Release you will be required to sign before submitting your writing sample.