Contests & Other Cool Stuff
Entries Accepted until Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Nobody figured it out, by the deadline! So, now it's first correct answer
WINS the $20!
Our DEBUT Easter Egg Contest!
and NO, it has nothing to do with bunnies and plastic oval-like containers!
What's the Prize:
A Twenty Dollar ($20.00) gift card and a complimentary Bronze Watch, Share and Earn Membership (a $10 value).
What is an Easter Egg?
In the world of cinema and tv and all the rest of the multimedia world, an Easter Egg, as defined by Wikipedia, is a message, image, or feature hidden in a video game, movie, or other, usually electronic, medium. Here’s a link to some more popular examples.
How does our East Egg Contest Work?
Well, we dropped the first trailer last month (you can see it at the bottom of this page). Take a peek at it. Then utilizing the better than Shakespearian clue below, figure out the scene we are referring to and submit via the Greene’s Revenge Easter Egg Contest webform (here’s the link to the webform). Too simple. All the rules are explained down below.
Here’s our Better (Much Better!) than Shakespearian clue:
Alas, gravity is weird, don’t you know?
Leaves you wondering where to go!
Inside, Outside or somewhere Between,
It’s always superbly amazing!
Another clue:
Nothing is as dangerous as unheeded desire,
Don’t get read, as your pants may catch on fire!
The contest starts, well….if you’re reading this it already started!
The contest ends at 11:59am (EST) on Wednesday, January 22, 2020
The winner will be announced on Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Your answer has to be typed into the Greene’s Revenge Easter Egg submission webform (it's after the video box, below). You can only submit one (1) answer.
If we get multiple correct answers, then the winner for the ONE (1) GRAND PRIZE will be selected by a drawing of all the correct answers. Not anymore --- Now it's first correct answer wins!
The correct answer requires you to provide a short description of the scene. What do we mean by short? Well, just describe what’s happening in the scene in like 15 words or less -- you can go over, but shorter is preferred...we all have day jobs!). You can also provide a timestamp of the beginning of the scene. We suggest that you do both, just in case.
Cheating. OK, don’t do it. Remember, only one submission and we reserve the right to disqualify anyone who we feel is violating the rules and/or spirit of the contest. And we also reserve the right to modify or clarify these rules just in case you over-industrious, Einstein-types figure out some sneaky way to try to game the contest.
Keep this in mind…if you criticize our poetic poem, we will ban you from Mother Earth! Ok, maybe not. On second thought, if you come up with a better poetic rhyme, we’ll consider giving you a free something or the other. But, no promises!
And yes, members of the cast and crew CAN'T/CAN NOT participate -- Not that they have any inside knowledge on the clue/answer, but this is what all the other contests (which we copied off of) say in their rules. NO SHAME!
If you have any questions just shoot us an email and we’ll do our best to answer without compromising the integrity of the contest or embarrassing you...too much!
Bonne Chance!
This is the time stamp.
FYI -You have to have your mouse (or finger if your on your phone) on the video for it to appear AND you may have to turn your phone horizontal while you're watching it.